Syria was Obviously a False Flag Attack

Syria was Obviously a False Flag Attack

If you’d like the truth about what happened in Syria, normally I’d tell you to turn off your television and burn your newspapers, but that’s not necessary in this case.

At last, the nonsense of non-ending wars and conflict has caused enough people to be suspicious that something else is going on.

This time the New York times quickly reported that there is no firm proof Assad was responsible.

Bashar Assad was on the verge of victory for himself.  He had been legitamized and was set to take over as leader to take Syria forward.  There is no reason whatsoever him to use chemical weapons of all things.

The explanations coming out of the New York Times yesterday were completely nonsensical.

This author would have you believe that Assad used chemical weapons to keep his control over his people.  Bullshit.

Hamas, just next door, keeps good control over their people.

Here they are killing a bride and groom during their wedding because they violated Islamic law and had music and dancing.  The rulers of the Middle East are experts at controlling their populations.  There’s no need for gas.  (Yes, Sadaam Hussein gassed the Kurds, but he didn’t do it again because he saw how much trouble it brought down on him.)

So who did it?

The US government did it.  No, not Donald Trump, he just reacted to it.  The pedophiles in Washington who were starting to get their asses kicked decided to start a war to divert your attention.  Trump got suckered into responding.  If you’re worried about the gassing of babies, please research pizzagate (pedogate) because the US government kills children on a daily basis.  I know it’s hard to accept.

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