Is Dark Matter Life?

Is Dark Matter Life?

I’ve been fascinated following the developments regarding an unusual star known as: KIC 8462852.

Here is Michio Kaku on Fox (that’s already quite unusual) discussing the possibility that the star’s light is dimmed by 22% (a large never seen before measurement) is the result of a Dyson’s sphere:

A Dyson Sphere

Here is none other than Capt Picard of the United Federation of Planets to explain it to you:

Ok, enough Star Trek lore, let’s discuss dark matter for a while.

Dark matter is a hypothetical kind of matter that cannot be seen with telescopes but accounts for most of the matter in the universe. The existence and properties of dark matter are inferred from its gravitational effects on visible matter, on radiation, and on the large-scale structure of the universe. Dark matter has not been detected directly, making it one of the greatest mysteries in modern astrophysics.


Basically the simplified view on dark matter is there just wasn’t enough ‘light’ in the universe to infer enough mass to account for the orbits of the stars.  Ie, the stars seemed to (are) responding to gravity from a source that’s not visible.

Let’s add in ourselves on the universal timeline here:

The universe is some 13.7 or so billion years old (give or take).  The Earth itself is 4.5 billion years old and humans a mere: 50,000 years.

They began to exhibit evidence of behavioral modernity around 50,000 years ago, and migrated in successive waves to occupy[8] all but the smallest, driest, and coldest lands.


Basically, I’m suggesting that we are latecomers to the universe.  We’re also on the periphery of the Milky Way which means that Stars towards the center of the galaxy could have had stars with planets that cooled and supported life long before we were in ‘cosmological diapers’.

Humanity has been present for only the slightest fraction of the existence of the universe.

So let’s put the pieces together and see if a plausible theory emerges.  First we have some evidence of what might be a Dyson Sphere around a star.  If that turns out to be true or false, the idea of a Dyson Sphere is something that we might assume any intelligent species would come up with given enough time.  If such a device was constructed it especially by many intelligent races around many different stars, then perhaps this could explain why we fail to detect the amount of light in the universe we expect.

Our telescopes are new.  Their abilities to detect planets are recent (although irrelevant to a Dyson Sphere, I’m suggesting our abilities are a recent ability).

Hence it stands to reason that we’ve only been pointing our new telescopes at bright stars, perhaps there’s a whole range of stars that are even further dimmed compared to  KIC 8462852 (That name sucks.  I propose “Holy Shit”).  Perhaps those stars are dimmed beyond the ability of our telescopes to detect them.

Now one wrinkle in this theory.  Dark Matter accounts for 74% of the universe, so that’s an awful lot of life.   I’m not saying it’s impossible but just as a gut feel, it is improbable.  Perhaps then this Dyson Dimming is responsible for a part of this loss of light.

If Dyson Dimming could in someway be demonstrated, then perhaps the life we’ve sought so long in the stars is revealed not by the light it reflects but by the light it absorbed in doing what life does; whatever that may be.


2 thoughts on “Is Dark Matter Life?

  1. Dark matter would likely be neutrinos, the most interesting particle of all, or some sibling that is heavier as neutrinos are so light. We are in a relatively young part of the Universe, so if there was truly other intelligent life that , It should have contacted us a long time ago. The enormous number of conditions you need to get an earth are very, very rare. I read a couple of books, ‘Rare Earth”, By Drs Brownlee/Ward ‘Why the Universe is the way it is ‘ by Dr. Hugh Ross that really caused me to temper my enthusiasm for finding another earth. Even Stephen Hawkings has said there is likely nothing more than some planets with bacteria on them. Also the book, ‘Energy Flow in Biology” by Morowitz, further tempered my flow for organic complex life on other planets coming about by naturalist methods. It’s a must read for anyone seriously interested in science. Statistical Thermodynamics is also a great sobering influence at the nature of life. It’s a pity more physics is not required for a degree in biology.

    Interesting the ancient Jewish Book of Enoch mentions, ETs, but states these are fallen hosts from heaven. One of the stated reasons for the flood of Noah was these beings had started to mate with females and were producing giants , and had corrupted the genetics of man. Giants were reported as common in the ancient world , taken for myth today, but numerous skeletal remains have been found. A book I read many years ago, called ‘The Hidden History of the Human Race (written by a Hindu and American scholars) Cremo/Thompson, really caused me to doubt the anthropology, archaeology, evolutionary biology crowd would ever tell the truth. That book will change your view forever of academia and cause you to doubt most of your education. There appears to be a mass hysteria among the biological intellectual elites to keep their god Darwin of natural selection or neo-Darwin god of random mutation alive and suppress any evidence that suggest that theory is intellectually bankrupt.

    I had Dr. Edward Teller for physics , he was certainly more accomplished than Kaku. Even he admitted he had looked at evolution and his conclusion how man got here was still the greatest mystery of science. Man more or less appears to be a miracle that appeared from 100k to 250k year ago or maybe 2 million years ago. I’m personally of the belief man will never explain scientifically the origins of man as it was a miracle. My opinion is God just spoke us into existence as part of his desire to create, much like you like to create music or programs. Read the book of Job in depth sometime, it’s an amazingly scientifically accurate description that aligns with how the Universe appears to have come into existence.

    We have pretty good evidence the Universe is only 13.7 billion years old from cosmic background studies. That’s simply not a very long time for evolutionary processes.

    Happy New Year , Good health and God Bless in 2016

  2. Ok, you want to go ‘there’ (esoteric realms). 🙂
    Ok, no problem, I’ll have to take my response a piece at a time. Before I do though, this isn’t a response, just general information…
    There is a misconception in evolution that ‘if you took all the parts of a Boeing 747 and shook them in a giant box, you’d never get a 747.’ I agree. The thing is that evolution doesn’t say that. Evolution allows for ‘part marks’.

    In a simple example of a pad lock with say 4 numbers. Your code of 4839 can’t easily be guessed because it would require (up to) 10,000 tries. But if a light went off while you were rotating the wheels when a given wheel was in the right position… then you could solve it in a maximum of 40 tries (just rotate the wheels until all 4 lights com e on and you have the code). This is how evolution works via a concept called “cumulative selection”.

    Here is a video I’m working on. This is an excerpt I’m using to demonstrate how cyanobacteria (another “how did they get there?” mystery) could have evolved on earth. Some go so far to say that they’re from space but that only defers the discussion.
    The appearance of humans is however a mystery acknowledged by both myself and many scientists.

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