Enzyme Therapy for Lymphedema

Enzyme Therapy for Lymphedema


An Enzyme

I think most readers suffering from lymphedema are likely puzzled at the moment as to how the brightly coloured mushed candy canes will assist with their illness.  Then again, lymphedema sufferers have been handed stockings by their doctors to handle a chronic and severe illness so the shock value will be diminished.  Pictured above is an enzyme and they facilitate chemical reactions in our body.  In this case, I plan to use the mushed candy canes (enzymes) to break down some proteins which are possibly at play in lymphedema.

Lymphedema is a horrible chronic condition which is largely ignored by mainstream medicine.  It is characterized by a chronic swelling of one or more extremities.

Modern medicine says: “Well, you’ll be swollen and sick for the rest of your life, try some stockings, and you can leave now because I need to see the next patient.”

I say: “There has to be something going on underneath this phenomenon and doctors are afraid to treat it because they’ll lose their license if they dare do anything which the FDA hasn’t laid out for them.”

I came across a patent application for the treatment of lymphedema:


Here they use guaifenesin which is a common ingredient in decongestants.  If you google it, you’ll find people trying to use guaifenesin to deal with Lymphedema with some success.  But I’m not a big fan of taking a decongestant for the rest of your life so I tried two enzymes.

  1. Serrapeptase:  This is a ‘master’ enzyme from silkworms.  It has also been used successfully in lymphedema according to some online anecdotal evidence.
  2. DPP IV and Casein Enzymes:  The patent posits that gluten and milk proteins are at the core of the problem.  Ostensibly and arguably, these types of enzymes will break down these proteins before they pose a problem.

So, we live in Canada and here’s our regime:



We’re using Enerex Serrapeptase (60,000 SU).   (I’m considering going up to 90,000 SU or 120,ooo SU)



We’re using Prarie Naturals Gluten Digest-Zyme.  I’m not sure if this is available world wide.  Here are the ingredients:

Colon Enzyme Blend 204.18mg
Amylase Blend 7500 DU
   (Bacillus subtilus/Aspergilus oryzae, whole cell)
Protease Blend 25,000 HUT
   (Aspergillus oryzae/Bacillus blend, whole cell)
Peptidase (Aspergillus oryzae, whole cell) 250 DPP IV
Glucoamylase (Aspergillus niger, whole cell) 50 AGU
Beta Gluconase 100 BGU
   (Aspergillus niger/Trichoderma longibrachiatum, whole cell)
Acid Stable Protease (Aspergillus niger, whole cell) 25 SAPU
Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa, Kiwi Fruit, Actazin™) 200mg
   (providing 1800 AU/g Actinidin)


It’s cold in Canada now.  It’s hovering around 10 C or 50 F.  So the ‘load’ on the lymphedema is currently reduced.  My wife has also received extensive red light therapy as outlined elsewhere on my blog.  Also vibration therapy was used.

I continue to use red light and vibration therapy on her c-section scar because I think there is work to be done there.

Having said all that:   Currently, just the two enzymes and 5 minutes of red light on the c-section seam is holding and reversing the lymphedema.  I now can feel my wife’s ankles reliably, every day.


I’m always honest, I found this warning on serrapeptase:

Enzymes such as serrapeptase and wobenzyme have also been shown to decrease lymphedema (www.lipomadoc.org). Take 20,000 international units of serrapeptase with meals or 100, 000 international units at bedtime.  If you have leaky lymphatics, which you can assess by lymphoscintigraphy, taking large doses of enzymes may not be the best choice as the enzymes can leak out of the lymphatics into the tissue causing damage.

— http://www.lipomadoc.org/lipedema.html

My feelings on the matter?  Remember, I’m not a doctor (and proud of it).  If you had a lymphatic system that was generally leaking, wouldn’t you expect to see lymphedema symptoms at all the lower extremities… both hands, both feet?  Moreover if your lymphatics are indeed leaking as badly as they suggest, you likely would have far worse problems than those that would result from taking an enzyme supplement.  I could be wrong of course.  The lymphoscintigraphy test they mention requires radioactive isotopes to be injected into your body.  I’d prefer to pass on that test.

Mitigating the risk if you’re worried:  I read that warning and ignored it outright.  If you are concerned, you could try just supplement #2.  If it doesn’t help, try #1 for a bit.  If #1 does help and you’re super worried about leaky lymphatics, get a lymphoscintigraphy to rule out leaky lymphatics such that you know taking supplement #1 for you is safe.

Please report back:

Since Doctors are complete dickheads when it comes to lymphedema, let’s help ourselves huh?  If you decide to try the therapy, post below your results.  Mention what supplements and doses you took.  If you want to take before and after pictures and post them, let me know.  Measurements would be good too.   I’m a tactile person so as soon as I could feel her ankles again, I knew it was working.  That’s my metric.

So feel free to post back your regime, measurements, photos, results.


17 thoughts on “Enzyme Therapy for Lymphedema

  1. Interesting. Probably why Hoffer in developing diet/nutrition plans for chronically and terminally ill people said, no dairy, no meat, no sugar, no grains, especially wheat. Ive been dairy free , meat/sugar free, and gluten free since the 90s. I wish someone had told me about the toxicity of wheat , dairy and sugar earlier.

    WRT to lymphedema, there are at least six double blind studies that show benzopyrones are very effective at treating your disease. Courmarine and flavanoids (Vitamin P, rutin, etc) are benzopyrones. Large doses of benezopyrones are safe and effective when Vitamin P components are used. They stimulate macrophage cells to break down unwanted proteins in the edema fluid.

    Here is what I take. For cancer they recommend 8 grams a day of bioflavonoids.


  2. I wanted to give my wife IntestiNew a 15 day program very high on l-glutamine to seal the leaky guy. She just isn’t into supplements. She comes from a stoic Russian background which has two states in their medical system: 1) healthy 2) dead. I have thought of slipping supplements to her juices but that’s no better than the KGB. 🙂

    I had heard of the benzopyrones but as you can see, getting my wife to take 2 supplements is an ordeal. I’ll have to put it into our home water supply. 🙂


    The value of genetic testing:

    But here is the value of genetic testing to people such as you and I who are taking every supplement under the sun and surviving but not necessarily flourishing. See, I was taking 10,00 IU of Vitamin D a day. That’s a scary amount to the uneducated. It’s 2x the max RDA. So I wasn’t going to take more. Then I got my genetic results. I can’t manufacture vitamin D readily from the sun. Well then, talking with a doctor friend of mine who is himself on 15,000 IU a day, I said, sure, let’s try it. I wouldn’t have risked it without the genetic test. It has had a great effect. In fact, it spurred my effexor taper.

    All it takes is $200 bucks, you spit in a tube the mail you, you mail it back… your genome is emailed to you a few weeks later. The FDA blocked 23andme from providing any health data because god forbid anyone get healthy. So you run it through some tools, prometheus is one, I have it on my blog anyways… there’s a few… and you get your mthfr status along with any screaming red marks in your genetic profile, such as my MAO-A defect.

    It may be even less than $200 in the States. I’m hearing so many mthfr like defects in our common stories. I’m not sure everyone realizes that carriers of this mutation are ‘ill’. This is a case of incomplete dominance. So the heterozygote (carrier) will be 60% efficient in activating folic acid, the homozygote recessive (fully ‘ill’) will be somewhere around 30 or 40% ( I can’t remember the exact number off hand). And people then get confused with mthfr heterozygotes (carriers) saying, well the thing is 60% efficient, so it’s not that bad. But that’s like saying your spark plugs work 60% of the time and your car is therefore fine. Methylation is a KEY metabolic process. Ok I’ll shut up now, I sound preachy.

    Be well…

  3. Yeah, I have Russian friends, they only believe in Vitamin V, Vodka. I guess medical care was so bad, going to the MDs you were just as likely to die, so people waited until they were near death. That said the food quality is all organic in Russia, they suffer only from too much wheat, and dairy. Still Abram Hoffer said USA/Canadian hospital and drugs killed 700k people a year, so the USA/Canada have a lot of TV shows glorifying the MDs, like Greys Anatomy and the Russians probably don’t, plus their health care system is non-profit unlike the USA. I look at USA MDs as butchers. Every time I have gone to one they have done more damage to me then before. I go to an ND. Hoffer said visiting a USA/Canadian MD should be regarded as a life threatening experience. He had a long medical directive to keep MDs from killing him and a lawyer on retainer in the event he had to go to the hospital in Canada.

    Offer to make your wife a smoothie and tell her you will add some supplements for just one week. My morning smoothie is almond or coconut milk, plus almond butter to increase the good fat content, 2 organic raw eggs, organic hemp protein power from canada, blueberries, kale, raspberries, milled flaxseed, cinnamon, nutmeg, and royal bee jelly (low sugar), liposomal vitamin c and other supplement. She won’t need to eat lunch and will lose a lot of weight. Just ask her to try it for a week. Its a remarkable energy booster. I just have a smoothie for breakfast then a salad, veggie soup and vegetables for dinner and 2 pieces of fruit. One thing I took away from reading all of Hoffers clinical trials was no meat, no dairy, no wheat, no sugar and no processed foods for chronically ill people. I’ve never been able to digest wheat, or dairy or meat. If you’re very ill a near vegan diet is best.

    Genetic testing is only $100 here. If I can put the bone cancer back into remission I’m going to go in for it. I’ve always had crappy health, which got much, much worse after 13 vaccines. I’ve asked my MD to do it but he says, ‘not until your off hospice’. MDs in the usa get in a lot of trouble if the insurance firms don’t authorize it. I wanted a complete genetic analysis with it. It was a $2000 test last he checked with the analysis. Once you’re on Hospice they just want you to die.

  4. So you know how you say “I’ve always had crappy health.” I’m hearing mthfr. MTHFR is that one that seems to correlate with long term malaise (or worse).

    I too was always sick. Like frequent colds, allergies, stomach problems, etc etc. MTHFR correction helped dramatically (methyl donors etc etc).

    I can’t tell you how I feel because I’m coming off of Effexor and I’ve been away for 72 hours straight. It’s a ‘side effect’. Does this pill have any effects other than side effects? I haven’t eaten in 72 hours either. Stomach isn’t hurting just not hungry so I never get that ‘twinge’ to get a snack and the whole day goes by and at the end I ask myself: “did I eat anything?” This is one hell of a pill. With this much damage to my hippocampus and other prime systems, I really fear what it’s done long term. Thank Heavens I was on B12 and several other neuroprotective supplements the whole time. It may, perhaps, mitigate the damage.

  5. Dr. Morton Walker’s book, Nature’s Antibiotic: Olive Leaf Extract. Dr. Walker noted that this natural substance is toxic to bacteria-caused diseases like anthrax and botulism. According to Dr. Morton Walker, olive leaf extract also inactivates smallpox, Ebola, plague, Epstein-Barr virus and hepatitis. You might want to investigate this trying, this along with Liposomal Vitamin C and Allicin as ‘natural’ antiviral compound.

  6. I’ve only heard brief flirtations in anecdotal evidence about lymphedema being caused or worsened by a recurrent staph infection that progressively damages the lymphatics. But getting my wife to take a single supplement will be a miracle. Admittedly I’ve got her after years of begging to be on 5, but one is just a multivitamin.

  7. savoy cabbage leaves held on with bandages (nurses trained in lymph drainage laugh at this) But lots of people claim it worked for them.

    page is under construction and i saw your website.
    I have been very lucky with ThatHealsThat.com pages but this is not finished nor have any recommendations at this time…just links to other sites on this topic.

    like you, they are not selling anything and have no hidden agendas…they just want the info on the Internet.

  8. Believe it or not, one of the first things I did for my wife was wrap her legs in cabbages. It yielded mixed results but I’m willing to try again. Thanks for posting.

  9. Standard Process Cataplex F has helped me immensely (and unexpectedly) with lymph and bloating issues, even beyond enzymes. If your wife is still struggling, it could be worth a shot! It’s a cheap and natural supplement!

  10. Thank you so much for this. You’ve actually given me a ‘clue’ as to what might be going on with Lymphedema. There is another (mild) chemo drug which also shows promise with Lymphedema. Both your supplement and this drug seem to have something to do with breakdown of fats and proteins. I’d be willing to be there’s a specific protein or fat that some people can’t break down which accumulates in the case of lymphedema. I know that’s pretty general but I plan to do more research and see if I can isolate the exact proteins and fats that aren’t being broken down. Thanks again…MCW

  11. Very late on the chain here, but I wanted to share something that accidentally assisted me when I had lymphedema. I fell, broke my hip, and had to wait for surgery due to needing to pass a huge battery of tests and they all had to be scheduled.

    Both my legs had swollen terribly all the way to my crotch. I found out later that the equivalent of 12 pounds of water weight was being carried in each leg.

    Some holes developed that leaked, one hole was the size of dime and wet my socks and pants after a short time. I was scared that if I didn’t heal them they would extend my surgical date.

    I tried various things found online – antibiotics cremes and such, and since I was afraid to use adhesive tape that might tear further I started tying tshirt strips over sanitary napkins – Always Ultra-thins – that I had left over after menopause to cover and collect the fluid.

    After about three days I noticed that the dime size hole was starting to shrink, it wasn’t actually skin, but it was something. Eleven to twelve days later it was covered over and not leaking any longer. So was the hole on the other leg that was a bit smaller. Had the surgery and the lymphedema went away after about a six weeks or so.

    Don’t know if this will help, but the sanitary napkins worked really well to absorb the fluid and the bonus was that they somehow triggered a covering over of the holes.

  12. Namma, do you mean you had lymphedema before you broke your hip and then it disappeared after your surgery?

  13. Any new enzyme updates? One thing I know for sure is my lymphedema has reduced now that I eat pineapple daily (bromelain/digestive enzyme)

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