Cancer Support Systems and Groups

Cancer Support Systems and Groups

By: David Haas — Special to

David Haas is cancer patient advocate who writes and researches to help people going through cancer. His blog is located at

Ask any cancer patient what their number one fear is during the treatment process and many of them will probably tell you not having someone around them that understands what they are going through — others will probably say they’re afraid of complications. The experts in the medical community understand the psychological importance of having someone around you that you can talk to about your fears and anxiety and also to give you invaluable knowledge on the process.

Patients with any kind of cancer including common diseases like skin cancer and rare and deadly diseases like mesothelioma may feel like they are at the lowest point in their life. They may feel like there is no way they can mentally cope with their condition, but what they don’t understand is that many other patients have felt the same way when they battled cancer. This is one reason cancer support groups are important. It gives patients the opportunity to share their fears by talking with other people who are going through the same thing and have been through the same thing. Many people believe that the greatest feelings of safety and comfort come from being surrounded by people who care and people who understand.

Patients in remission will reassure new patients that the medical community has greatly advanced in recent years, making cancer treatment easier and less stressful than previous times. This article from lists how far radiation treatment has come and how it helps patients.

To keep their spirits alive, patients going through treatment attend support groups to ask for advice from other experienced patients. The advice that a patient going through the same thing or in remission gives is invaluable to other patients because they know just how hard the journey is; they know personal advice that can help patients that doctors may otherwise not know.

This kind of help empowers cancer patients, renewing their positive outlook on their condition and life in general. Being positive can greatly improve the healing process by giving a person a renewed energy about their condition. Moreover, patients who are restrained to their bed can visit online support group communities. It is not necessary to appear in person to a group session. There are plenty of online sessions with real people who can help. Here are a few great online cancer support groups:

Caring Bridge

The cancer support group system’s importance cannot be stressed enough. It is crucial for cancer patients to connect with other patients to share advice and to create camaraderie to fight this disease together.


I am a cancer patient advocate who writes and researches to help people going through cancer. My blog is located at

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