A Star is Broadcasting Mathematics’ Pascal’s Triangle – A Strong Signal Indicating Extraterrestrial Intelligence

A Star is Broadcasting Mathematics’ Pascal’s Triangle – A Strong Signal Indicating Extraterrestrial Intelligence

An artist's concept of a Dyson sphere. Image via CapnHack, via energyphysics.wikispaces.com.

Tabitha’s Star

Tabitha’s star, the star broadcasting a triangular mathematical structure is pointed to by the triangle based pyramids here on earth.

Recall this scene from the movie “Contact”(1997) (based largely on the novel of the same name by Astronomer Carl Sagan):

(Note: In the movie the star transmitting the primes is Vega.  Vega is in the constellation Cygnus.)

The aliens in this movie were transmitting prime numbers to draw attention to a signal’s intelligent sender.  Math, posited astronomer Carl Sagan (among many others), would be the most likely (first) language used in a cultural interchange between two alien races.  Something closely related to this scene from “Contact” may be occurring at this very moment.

There is a star called ‘Tabitha’s Star’ which exhibits a periodic 20% dimming. When our largest planet Jupiter passes in front of our own sun it produces a dimming of around 1% to any given observer.

Scientists use these periodic dimmings in stars to detect planets. If Jupiter were any larger than it is, it would implode and become a star itself (and emit light, not block it). So it can’t be a very large Jupiter that’s causing the dimming. Many theories have been floated and all have been ruled out (scientifically, officially and in the mainstream). What we’re left with is a giant solid structure of some kind orbiting this star. A final piece of background information:  Scientists have been carefully observing stars for dimming for around 50 years now. All stars, except this one, have a maximum dimming of 1%.

I said the dimming was periodic. I should really say in this case that the dimming is patterned. Scientists looked at the numbers coming out of these patterns of dimming. These patterns are all documented here: https://www.andrewcollins.com/page/articles/KIC.htm see sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3.

Guess what numbers are coming out of this process? 1, 11, 121, 1331, 14641, … and so on. It might not be intermediately obvious but those are powers of 11. 11 to the power of 0 is 1. 11 to the power of 1 is 11. 11 to the power of 2 is 121, and so on.

Powers of 11 are significant mathematically as they also happen to be the values of Pascal’s Triangle.

(A good resource for understanding the significance of Pascal’s Triangle: http://jwilson.coe.uga.edu/EMAT6680Su12/Berryman/6690/BerrymanK-Pascals/BerrymanK-Pascals.html)

Pascal’s triangle in turn, is hugely important in combinatorics, and several other fields of mathematics. Note… it’s a special mathematics triangular shaped structure. Emphasis on triangular.

Now, it gets better. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with this but if you examine the Giza Pyramids and complex from the sky, they form a star map of the Cygnus Constellation.  Note too that this alignment is also produced in the Mayan Pyramids built by a completely different group of humans in a completely different time period.

Image result for Giza Pyramid cygnus alignmentThe constellation Cygnus

( read more:  http://www.andrewcollins.com/page/articles/Cygnus_Orion_Giza.htm )

So the Pyramids and complex have an exact stellar alignment with the Cygnus constellation. Guess which star is in the Cygnus constellation?

Yes, Tabitha’s star, the star broadcasting a triangular mathematical structure is pointed to by the triangle based pyramids here on earth.

It couldn’t possibly get better than that right? It does. In Turkey there is a site called Gobleki Teki.

Image result for Gobekli Tepe

This site was deliberately buried before the last ice age. It was buried by some group at great effort. At that site there appear to be structures that are tuning fork shaped (giant megaliths). Local rumours have it that it was once a place of ‘magic’ where people could enter and go into special spiritual states and travel the heavens. Gobleki Teki also has a cosmological alignment pointing straight at…

You guessed again! The Cygnus Constellation where Tabitha’s star is found, the star broadcasting Pascal’s Triangle.

This is all newer information. Tabitha’s star’s dimming was only discovered in 2015. I found one documentary by ‘Anonymous’ of all authors that does a good job of putting together all the sources.

Here is a related TED Lecture regarding Tabitha’s Star:



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