Opera – Nelligan

Opera – Nelligan

Emile Nelligan

It was my mother who introduced me to the opera “Nelligan” around 1990. We were flipping channels one night when we chanced upon a TFO (the French language public television station in Ontario) airing of the Andre Gagnon – Michel Tremblay operatic rendering of the life of Emile Nelligan. My mother tracked down the CD shortly thereafter.

While the CD contained a full libretto, my rudimentary French (which has since then only marginally improved) couldn’t pull all the meaning out of the text. The opera features an aria which recited Nelligan’s most famous poem: “Le Vaisseau D’or”.

I have finally managed to find a translation. What follows is the original poem and a translation. As for the grander meaning of the poem: Nelligan led a tragic life and this poem is said to be autobiographic in a sense. For more information:


Le Vaisseau d’Or

C’était un grand Vaisseau taillé dans l’or massif:
Ses mâts touchaient l’azur, sur des mers inconnues;
La Cyprine d’amour, cheveux épars, chairs nues,
S’étalait à sa proue, au soleil excessif.

Mais il vint une nuit frapper le grand écueil
Dans l’Océan trompeur où chantait la Sirène,
Et le naufrage horrible inclina sa carène
Aux profondeurs du Gouffre, immuable cercueil.

Ce fut un Vaisseau d’Or, dont les flancs diaphanes
Révélaient des trésors que les marins profanes,
Dégoût, Haine et Névrose, entre eux ont disputés.

Que reste-t-il de lui dans la tempête brève?
Qu’est devenu mon coeur, navire déserté?
Hélas! Il a sombré dans l’abîme du Rêve!


The Golden Ship

There was a fine ship, carved from solid gold
With azure reaching masts, on seas unknown.
Spread-eagled Venus, naked, hair back thrown,
Stood at the prow. The sun blazed uncontrolled.

But on the treacherous ocean in the gloom
She struck the great reef where the Sirens chant.
Appalling shipwreck plunged her keel aslant
To the Gulf’s depths, that unrelenting tomb.

She was a Golden Ship: but there showed through
Translucent sides treasures the blasphemous crew,
Hatred, Disgust and Madness, fought to share.

How much survives after the storm’s brief race?
Where is my heart, that empty ship, oh where?
Alas, in Dream’s abyss sunk without trace.

Selected Titles: Selected Poems of Emile Nelligan; translated by P.F. Widdow, 1960.

4 thoughts on “Opera – Nelligan

  1. Hey there,
    This is quite embarrassing since I’m not used to write total strangers but I’ve been searching the web with no luck so far and you might have the solution to my problem.
    I’ve heard a few tracks from this opera and fell in love with it but I don’t know the names of the singers, I know that there’s a new version to this opera featuring the wonderful Daniel Lavoie but this is not the version that I’ve listened to.
    If you can tell me who are the singers in the original version from 1990 I will… well, I will thank you :).

  2. From the CD booklet:


    Emile, jeune
    Yves Soutiere

    Emile, vieux
    Michel Comeau

    Emilie, mere d’Emile
    Louise Forestier

    David, pere d’Emile
    Jim Corcoran

    Eva, soeur d’Emile
    Dympna McConnell

    Gertrude, soeur d’Emile
    Marie-Jo Therio

    Arthur De Bussiers, ami d’Emile
    Daniel Jean

    Charles Gill, ami d’Emile
    Loui Maufette

    Francoise, amie de la famille
    Renee Claude

    Le Pere Seers, ami et protecteur d’Emile
    Roger Bellemare

    La Religieuse
    Brigitte Portelance

    Le Visiteur
    Jean Archambault

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