Angiogenesis: Eating Foods that Starve Tumors

Angiogenesis: Eating Foods that Starve Tumors

Dr. Judah Folkman
Dr. Judah Folkman

Dr. Judah Folkman, a mentor to many, myself included, pioneered a field of Cancer research known as ‘Angiogenesis’ which is study and eventual prevent of blood cell growth in a tumor.  Dr. William Li has picked up the torch and started to examine drugs and diet that can prevent cancer growths from growing blood cells and hence starve or remain controlled at the very least.  An interesting observation emerged from Li’s work in that simple foods, foods in everyone’s kitchen are on par with many leading pharmaceuticals.

Here is a graph produced from Li’s work.  The smaller in this case, the smaller the line, the better.


Generally we see that foods are interspersed between Cancer drugs and other common anti-angiogenesis drugs indicating that they generally share a common ability to stifle the growth of feeder blood cells to tumors.  Also we see that common kitchen foods such as parsley, berries, soy, garlic and are towards the top of the list.  (Also note the power of soy extract.)

For those interested in learning more, Li’s TED talk can be found here:



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